Here we go! I've finally gotten the guts and motivation to start a blog. Today I am 14 weeks 5 days Prego with baby #2. While it may seem as a late start, nothing too exciting has happened yet. I think I might be able to feel baby move soon, it's hard to tell. I have felt something going on in there but who knows...could be gas! It feels like a little butterfly trying to flap its wings.
Baby is about 4 inches long. His/her eyelids aren't open yet, but can sense light.
Here's a photo from babycenter:
There has been minimal nausea so far, and since I'm 4 months along, I shouldn't have any more...right? Goodness I hope so.
Other than the expanding waistline, which still doesn't look like a prego belly, I don't show or have too many (physical) signs of pregnancy. Other than the (Sorry for the TMI) constipation, I feel good, somewhat energetic, and excited.
We find out March 16, 2010 what we are having, but don't worry, there will be more blog posts before then.
Nice Blog.