15 weeks today! Time is flying by, I can't believe I didn't post for 3 weeks! It's been pretty busy around the Beebe household though with Thanksgiving and all the usual mayhem.
Thanksgiving 2011
What a great vacation! Me and the kids headed up to my parents house in Mariposa for Thanksgiving. Chris came along later that day in a different car because he had to leave a day early to go to a Wedding in San Diego. The trip actually went surprisingly well, other than the first hour or so. BOTH the kids got car sick within like 30 minutes and Presley threw-up! Big TIME! After THAT mess and clean-up things went smoothly. We even stopped at my cousin's house in Fresno to spend time with her and her 3 kids. What a household it is when 5 kids are running around all between the ages of 1 and 5! Good times :)
Once we got to my parents house, we had to wait a couple hours before anyone got home, but I used that time to "baby" proof -- or more like "Presley proof" the house, lol. Candle holders and fragile items had to be immediately put in higher places! The kids loved running through that house though! Much more room to roam then what they are used to in our humble abode.
The next day (Thanksgiving) my sister and her husband Keith , Katy (cousin) and her fiance Bobby, Michael (cousin), Darlene, and two dogs (Bubba and Zoe) arrived! When you add in my family of 4 plus my parents it was quite a bunch of people! Thanksgiving was delicious as usual and we stuffed ourselves, watched a bunch of football and played around outside the rest of the day. It was great to see everyone.
The kids did great - Presley was a handful but what can you expect. Trinity enjoyed the company of everyone and playing on my Dad's iPad most of the time, and Me and Chris, well we just followed the kids around most of the time and made the best of it!
Being pregnant :) 12-15 weeks
I had a Doctor's appointment last week and I got to hear the heartbeat! It's like music to your ears when you hear it the first time. It was about 150bpm, perfect! I missed my first screening appointment because the doctor's office scheduled it too late (you're supposed to go before 14 weeks and they scheduled me at 14 weeks 1 day). Doesn't bother me cause you can get another screening done between 15 and 20 weeks without having an ultrasound - just based on your blood.
My energy still comes and goes but overall I'd say it's getting better. My stomach aches are lessening but if I sit around too much (usually in the evenings) I notice it gets worse so I have to keep moving - which is hard to do if you're tired!
Physical changes - UH my BRA size! lol. My weight gain was good when I was at the doctors - and she said that at 14 weeks with Presley I was 10lbs heavier, so I was happy to hear that! I'm not "showing" yet but my mid section just keeps widening, as usual, with my hips first...gosh darn you hips. Unless you see me in a tight tank you can't notice anything except a few lbs. I know I need to put pictures up! I will! Maybe I can work on that tonight...note to self.
Only a couple weeks away and we're leaving for LAS VEGAS wooohooo. I've done most of my xmas shopping already, thank goodness, I just need to get the kids a couple more little things and I think we're good to go.We bought a tree last weekend and decorated it while drinking hot chocolate. It smells sooooo good! I love all the smells of Christmas!
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