Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5 Weeks 5 Days

I'm not sure if it's due to the fact a new baby is forming inside of me, or that I've cut down drastically on the amount of caffeine I used to consume, or possibly from a combination of both.....but man, I am soooo sleeeepy. Starting from the time a wake up until the time I go to bed, I could literally take a nap any second for who knows how long. And, I probably would be caught sleeping if it weren't for that small cup of coffee I do let myself have in the mornings!

I was finally able to get a hold of someone at my doctor's office today (they have this absurd schedule where the office is closed from 12-1:30 Mon-Thur. and closed on Fridays, which makes it nearly impossible to get a hold of anyone when I'm on my lunch break). My first appointment will be November 2 at 2:45. They are having me get blood work done before my appointment, and then based on those results which will determine how far along I am, I will probably get an ultrasound too before my doctors appointment. The office told me that the nurse practitioner is going to be gone until February(!) so Dr. Freeman is running solo until then - which makes appointments hard to come by. But, it's worth it. She's awesome.

Nap time.

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