Friday, November 4, 2011

10 Weeks down, 30 to go

I had my OB appointment this week which went very well. Boy was she surprised to me! Her first question..."Was this planned?" lol. Well...

I'm basically healthy as a horse and just have to get some more routine blood work done.  She tried to find the heartbeat but she couldn't and said there was nothing to worry about cause it's very early, AND I have a tilted uterus, which makes the baby further away than normal (she remembers this from the first two). She had the results from my ultrasound which confirmed the size of the baby, and reported that the baby has a healthy heart rate anyways. I will be seeing her every 4 weeks up until about February, and then I'll start to see her every 2 weeks, and then eventually once a week. We reminisced about my birth with Presley...and she said as SOON as I even THINK I'm in labor this time I need to head to the hospital and call her, lol. In case you haven't read my birth story about Presley, he was born in basically less than 2 hours from the time I walked into the hospital. If we had waited any longer to leave our house we might have had a home birth! She thinks that this baby will be born just as quickly if not even faster.

I also found out recently that one of my friends is expecting her first baby, and her due date is one week after mine! Looks like I've found a walking partner :) Having a prego buddy is a blessing because you can discuss all the symptoms with each other that your husband doesn't necessarily want to hear about...

And, I've been feeling WAY better the last couple of days.  The nausea has decreased and my overall mood seems much Even one of my co-workers mentioned how "quiet" and "unapproachable" I was last week, lol. Me? Really? Never...You think this is bad, wait till Week 38!

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