Monday, November 7, 2011

Where would I be without DH

(DH = dear husband ;)
DH made a comment to me over the weekend that I "never" right about him.  Looking back, I do admit that the majority of posts have to do with either my kids or myself.   I, like many mothers, tend to put DH on the back burner when there are kids who need me the majority of the time. By the time DH and I have a few minutes to ourselves, we are usually watching TV and trying not to fall asleep on the couch (not a very exciting blog topic, lol).  But the truth is, I wouldn't be able to do a lot of the things I do if it weren't for him. He's usually the one that motivates the family to get up and get going for the day. He comes up with ideas for our adventures, and pushes us to find new places to go. If it weren't for him, many of the things I write about probably wouldn't have even happened!

Like all couples, we've had ups and downs. It's been a journey for me and DH since we started out as a family at a very young age. I was 19 when I got pregnant with Trinity, and he was 22. We've had to grow up rather quickly and take on a lot of responsibility. The term "adventure" has a whole new meaning to us know. It used to be an "adventure" going to Mexico at 2 a.m. Now, it's an adventure trying to take 2 kids out to dinner. When DH and I do get a rare period of time for more than a couple hours to be by ourselves, we easily can jump into our old ways and head out to Hollywood or go to a Casino for a gambling adrenaline rush. We should have those time more often, but we do what we can.

I admire him for his effort, especially recently, to help out with house chores. Since I haven't been feeling well, he's really stepped up his game on keeping the house in a stable condition. Dishes don't get piled up, he's trying to keep up with the laundry, and he even cleaned the floors! He takes care of all the rough and tumble play with the kids that I just do not have the energy for - he times this well too right before bed so that they go to sleep quickly, lol.

There's a lot we still have to learn about our relationship, and about being parents, but we are doing the best we can with what life has given us. We take it in stride as it always seems to change. 

I will make an effort to include you in with more of my posts, I promise DH!

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