Monday, October 31, 2011

9W4D A sigh of relief

Last week I had my ultrasound done at San Luis Diagnostic. They confirmed that I was indeed 9 weeks pregnant and that everything is growing in the right place. I was given a due date of May 31, 2012! Perfect. My little Gemini baby :)


Isn't that picture amazing? You can already see the feet and the little arm buds. That circle that's hovering by the head is what she called the "yolk sac". Apparently the yolk sac is the earliest source of nutrients for the developing fetus.


Still having small cases of nausea, but only if I haven't eaten in awhile. The biggest bummer is the inevitable stomach ache I get after every meal. And I mean EVERY meal. No matter what it is. Most foods do not taste good, at all, and are not appealing especially if there is an abundance of flavors mixed in. For instance Chris tried to serve me a hamburger (yes, this baby has got me eating meat again, sigh) covered in Worcestershire sauce and garlic salt....not gonna happen. I had to make another one lightly season with salt/pepper then added only pickles and ketchup on top to make it appealing enough to eat.

I haven't been keeping track of weight gain, but my regular work pants still fit just fine. My jeans however are a little snug and I prefer not to button them. Instead I've been using my belly band which is MUCH more comfortable then the button penetrating into my belly fat. 

Motherhood Maternity

I'm still incredibly stressed over affording this third little critter. I'm going to have to find some creative money saving methods.  I've found a few I'm trying out, but I need A LOT more, lol.  I'm generally not very high maintenance, in fact I'm quite the opposite, especially when I know money is tight. Things like pedicures, haircuts, new clothes, shoes, accessories, are all things I can cut out quite easily. We buy the kids clothes mostly at yard sales or the swap meet, and we can usually find them shoes, toys, and books there too. I have no problem with hand me downs! Hopefully since we're getting them accustomed to it now, it won't bother them so much when they get old enough to realise where all their stuff comes from :).

On another note, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Trinity (Masquerade girl) 5yrs, Presley (tin man) 14 months
Homemade costumes by Grandma Georgianne


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nausea setting in.

6 weeks 5 days

Let the nausea begin!

I should be thankful because it's actually not that bad (yet?).  It peaks right before lunch time and then is pretty much over with after I eat. But the mornings are like endless snacking binge to keep the nausea from rising. Bread sticks, apples, yogurt, and peanuts all seem to be helping tremendously. And surprisingly I haven't put on a single pound yet, in fact, I was down a pound this morning to 154. A good start I must say. I feel like this time last pregnancy I was devouring food constantly because the nausea was much more intense.

I finally told Trinity last night at bedtime that Mommy was growing another baby in her belly.

Trinity "Why"?
Mommy "Because we love having kids!"
Trinity "Did God put it there?"
Mommy "Yes, and He knows if it's a boy or girl already, but we won't know till Mommy's belly gets bigger"
Trinity "I think it's a girl"
Mommy "We'll see!"
Trinity "You're going to have 3 kids Mommy"
Mommy "I know, crazy huh?"
Trinity "Yeah. Who am I going to stay with when you go to the Hospital?"
Mommy "Who would you like to stay with?"
Trinity "Grandma. Grandma Georgianne."
Mommy "Ok, but that won't be for a long time. I"ll let her know."
Trinity "Ok" (and she silently drifts off to sleep and I lay there with her for a few more minutes)

Presley on the other hand, could care less. But what do you expect of a 14 month old boy? All he's concerned about is hitting everything with sticks and eating other people's food. He's not gonna be happy with the decrease in attention, that's for sure. I think we'll have to start working on that, NOW.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5 Weeks 5 Days

I'm not sure if it's due to the fact a new baby is forming inside of me, or that I've cut down drastically on the amount of caffeine I used to consume, or possibly from a combination of both.....but man, I am soooo sleeeepy. Starting from the time a wake up until the time I go to bed, I could literally take a nap any second for who knows how long. And, I probably would be caught sleeping if it weren't for that small cup of coffee I do let myself have in the mornings!

I was finally able to get a hold of someone at my doctor's office today (they have this absurd schedule where the office is closed from 12-1:30 Mon-Thur. and closed on Fridays, which makes it nearly impossible to get a hold of anyone when I'm on my lunch break). My first appointment will be November 2 at 2:45. They are having me get blood work done before my appointment, and then based on those results which will determine how far along I am, I will probably get an ultrasound too before my doctors appointment. The office told me that the nurse practitioner is going to be gone until February(!) so Dr. Freeman is running solo until then - which makes appointments hard to come by. But, it's worth it. She's awesome.

Nap time.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


It's confirmed! Pregnant!

So even though this was not really planned, I'm thrilled. I love my kids and hope to have a healthy, happy pregnancy. Chris and I have definitely been through some tough times in our relationship, but we're determined more than ever to make this family work. Ever since he's given up alcohol, things seem to be going a lot smoother. I'm in a great mindset at this point. The thought of becoming a stay-at-home home for the next couple years has been crossing my mind a lot - I just can't see any purpose in paying for full time daycare for 2 kids, plus Trinity's before and after school programs and the hectic schedule that will put us all in. We'll have to work hard up until then to get our monthly payments and expenses down to a minimum, but I think it would incredibly worth it in the end.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Day I took THE Test - SEPT. 23, 2011

I took a pregnancy test today. I'm still in disbelief, and not 100% convinced, but the result was pregnant - a faint yet noticeable line on the pregnant side. In all honestly, if I really am pregnant, I'm ecstatic! I sorta planned it, but didn't really think it would happen. I have always wanted a Gemini baby, and knew that the month of September was the only month you could conceive and have due date that ended up in the Gemini zodiac.  After TWO days of "trying" - here we are! I've had very mild symptoms - but symptoms that easily could have been from an upcoming period, like mild cramping a week  ago, I've been going pee a little more than usual - but I can probably justify that one because I've been looking for my period to start any day, I have some slight tingling in the tatas, but only if I am really paying attention. The most noticeable symptom has been a dull ache in my lower back. It's hard to say which, if any, of these have been early pregnancy symptoms, but that has been my experience so far.
Had to take 2 just to make sure!